
Current and upcoming exhibitions

9.10.2024 – 27.4.2025
Minun Maailmani II, The Finnish Museum of Horology and Jewellery Kruunu, Espoo, FI

30.10.2024 – 28.2.2025
– Don’t Tell me a Story, Museum of Applied Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania

11.1. – 27.4.2025
Aistinvarainen, Craft Museum of Finland, Jyväskylä, FI

1.3. – 28.3.2025
Fertile Ground, Donner wie Blitz, Donnersbergerstr 20a, Munich, DE

11.2. – 8.3.2025
Textures of Time: Wandering in the Space, GAo ShAn, Snellmaninkatu 15, Helsinki, FI
